
The principalities have their power based on The same things witchcraft has their power on which is human sacrifice What America has done is sacrifice our babies And when it occurs blood flows And that's what gives these demons their power The overturn of Roe V Wade got modern women buggin' Nothing but cackling hyenas protesting for nothing Reality bites now y'all know how it really feels Demons throwing a fit for being denied the right to kill A living being the fetus that is inside the body All because you're not accountable because you're very haughty Life isn't a game designed for y'all to earn a win-win It's about time for y'all to receive some discipline like It's about time you swallow the bitter pill And put a difference between moral freedom and free will Hypergamy is a game you play and enjoy the thrill Creating a scenario in your head that ain't even real Brutally mutilating a bundle of joy to a tee All because you don't wanna grow up and keep roaming the streets I'm seeing a lot less Rachels but a whole lot of Brendas Y'all ain't nothing but pawns to the masonic agenda Do you realize what's happening before your eyes Do you realize you've been told a whole lot of lies On the surface you believe you've been granted your wish But in actuality you being led off a cliff All the privileges you've been given are corrupt Empowering the daughters of Massa to self-destruct When are y'all finna say to yourselves you've had enough Empowering the daughters of Massa to self-destruct It happens both ways to unborn daughters and sons Black kids die in the hands of a surgeon more than a gun I keep hearing the saying "My body, My choice" I suggest that you all shut the hell up and kill the noise Especially the one always in everybody's business She doesn't even know who she is and God is my witness Filler busting like she's some type of intellectual She calls herself a non-binary pansexual Pondering on this laying on my cushion How you go from call you pn right back in to a woman Talkin' bout "Men started misogyny in rap" That'll only make me wanna hit you with a thunder smack And she ain't got the facts to back this But she's always suited up everywhere like James St. Patrick A total flop and we all know you well You should just stick to being a butler at some random hotel Do you realize what's happening before your eyes Do you realize you've been told a whole lot of lies On the surface you believe you've been granted your wish But in actuality you being led off a cliff All the privileges you've been given are corrupt Empowering the daughters of Massa to self destruct When are y'all finna say to yourselves you've had enough Empowering the daughters of Massa to self-destruct Who are y'all to decide who gets to live or die Fully convinced that it's a right you all have been ill advised The reason y'all losing in life and can't get any further It's cuz a lot of y'all are guilty for committing murder So what if society says you can do what you want Every life you've ended your soul is what they finna haunt Out in public y'all look like something straight out the gutta Too much freedom has made y'all unbecoming to be mothers No wonder why demonic activities on the rise Familiar spirits empowered through human sacrifice Innocent blood spilt through these surgical strategies Making way for dark powers and principalities Y'all ain't royalty y'all are a conglomerate of trash Don't incubate a man's seed that you don't wanna have If you have no idea what it's like to be a lady Then you're not qualified to be having somebody's baby Do realize what's happening before your eyes Do you realize you've been told a whole lot of lies On the surface you believe you've been granted your wish But in actuality you being led off a cliff All the privileges you've been given are corrupt Empowering the daughters of Massa to self-destruct When are y'all finna say to yourselves you've had enough Empowering the daughters of Massa to self-destruct Father God, I pray that the curse of shedding innocent blood Be lifted off America and abortion will go back to what God says it is MURDER And will stop in its tracks AND ROE V WADE WILL BE OFFICIALLY NO MORE!
Writer(s): Huy Tran, Sydney Peters Lyrics powered by