
Once, the world was very different It was never still and always changing There was no order, only chaos Time ran together, and we were always uncertain, always afraid Until the two great sisters came and saved us They set the world in order And gave us a place to stand And when the Earth was ready Then they looked to the sky They gave us the sun to light the day And the moon to keep watch in the night A celestial dance to order our moments The slow heartbeat of our world Two forces in perfect balance This is our foundation From this, all else follows Dawn breaks through the darkened skies We lift our heads and dry our eyes When day is done, we're doubly blessed With starry sky and moon for rest No longer bound to hopelessness We dance as one with nature now The sun and moon will show us how Restless was the world we knew, and cheerless were the days Of colors run together in an endless mirror maze And then two sisters brought us out of discord's dark caprice And gave us lights to guide us into harmony and peace Day for rising, night for sleep As in heaven, so below Chaos banish, order keep Ever may it thusly go Memories are fading now, the fog begins to thin The dreamer is awakened, life can begin And all that's past is preface to the story of today Now that harmony has come and driven dissonance away Day for rising, night for sleep As in heaven, so below Chaos banish, order keep Ever may it thusly go Perfect cosmic symmetry Sisters of the moon and sun Cornerstone of harmony Never let it be undone (never let it be undone) Day for rising, night for sleep Chaos banish, order keep
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