
In this endless void we roam Left to rot, the earth our home The earth our home The future shines Bright (with the scorching scorn of the sun) Every breath we're suffocating As toxins blossom and bloom Cities still touch the sky Monuments which once gave us pride With disdain they remain to remind us Of a future long left behind We've sown the seeds Of our own destruction And we reap the harvest Of our own corruption Condemned to remain confined For the rest of our lives A punishment too merciful, too kind for the crime Synthetic inception of our will to survive Longing for a future long left behind Long left behind Echoes of a species once great Reverberate and decay As we burn in the scorn of the sun To forget, we escape to a digital space We ignore the mistakes And the skulls in our wake Just like always The earth cracked beneath our feet And hellfire danced in the cracks between As we boiled and blistered from the heat We fell to a blissful abyssal dream The earth cracked beneath our feet And hellfire danced in the cracks between As we boiled and blistered from the heat We fell to a dream
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