
Boys if you find my body Take all that you could need I was naked when I came kicking And naked I will proceed Let my boots keep on walking If a man is shivering let him take my coat Take my pen and take my paper For all the letters to be wrote On my right you'll find my timepiece Though it ain't held the time for years But time is a young man's drink These days I'm sober in my fears But leave my rifle in the dirt here Of this God-forsaken land I ain't seen God in any foxholes But I've heard His weeping in the wind Boys if you find my body Tell my darling I'm coming home Boys if you find my body Tell my darling I'm coming home Birds if you find my body I've heard to go first for the eyes I offer them with grace For they have seen the world's delights And as a blind man I'll go stumbling Towards the weeping in the wind For joy comes in the morning And peace at sorrow's end And like a mystic I will find you When there is nothing left of me When my body is forever missing Like that man nailed to a tree And when I'm gone I'll be the weeping When I'm gone I'll be the morn When I'm gone I'll be the body Of a baby bloodied and just born Oh earth if you find my body Take all that you could need Oh earth if you find my body Let my body be a seed
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