
To Neptune Orphic Hymn Hear Neptune, ruler of the sea profound Whose liquid grasp begirts the solid ground Who, at the bottom of the stormy main Dark and deep bosomed, holdest your watery reign Your awful hand the brazen trident bears And ocean's utmost bound, you will reveres You I invoke, whose steeds the foam divide From whose dark locks the briny waters glide Whose voice loud founding through the roaring deep Drives all its billows, in a raging heap You I invoke, whose steeds the foam divide From whose dark locks the briny waters glide Its yours, Caerulian demon, to survey Well pleased the monsters of the ocean play Confirm earth's basis, and with prosperous gales Waft ships along, and swell the spacious sails Add gentle Peace, and fair-hair'd Health beside And pour abundance in a blameless tide
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