
I've been thinking lately that I like you That don't mean I do, I just can't fight you Dreams, thoughts and feelings I don't know what they mean They might trick me Dreams, thoughts and feelings I can't tell if they're real They might trick me into being someone I don't wanna be Into being someone I don't wanna be Should I go fast or slow my mind's been wandering Just another lost soul standing at the crossroads I swear I had my keys I just can't remember where I left 'em That's very nice of you sir, I believe it's them. Thank you very much Dreams, thoughts and feelings I don't know what they mean They might trick me Dreams, thoughts and feelings I can't tell if they're real They might trick me into being someone I don't wanna be Into being someone I don't wanna be Into being someone I don't wanna be Into being someone I don't wanna be
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