
Check one Check two Check three Check check four Now what we gonna do is go back in time Back to the sound of my 909 Gonna take you back to '93 When my 909 made history Now DJs today make a lot of kicks And they even like to do a little kick switch But the only kick sure to blow your mind Is that sweet sound of my 909 My 909 Kick switch 909 hit me one time Check this out Dayum! Hello everybody, this is Rob GEE And it's time to take you back to the old school 'Cause the old school is so cool Hardcore! 909 hit me one time Kick switch Bwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwbwah! Bwah! Bwah! Bwah! Bwah! Alright check it out My 909: check one My 909: check two My 909: check three My 909: check four Hardcore! Hardcore! Hardcore! Hardcore! Hardcore! Hardcore! Hardcore! Hardcore! Hardcore! Hardcore! Hardcore! Hardcore! Hardcore! Hard- hard- hard- hard- Har- har- har- har- Hardcore! Now what we gonna do is go back in time Back to the sound of my 909 Gonna take you back to '93 When my 909 made history Now DJs today make a lot of kicks And they even like to do a little kick switch But the only kick sure to blow your mind Is that sweet sound of my 909 909 hit me one time Check this out Dayum! Check one Check two Check three Check check four Now, all with me, 909!
Writer(s): Robert B Rob Gilmore Lyrics powered by