
Good time, good time, for a for a good time Today's the day Today is a sad day I had to bury my butler today Yeah Good luck with those executive cheekbones Good luck with those teeth I hope they bring you so much joy Just as much joy as they brought me So when I bury the gardner Do I bury him with his feet? Cause I'm expecting to see trees I don't even wanna think about it I'm only here for a good time Not at existential crisis, a crisis I'm only here for a good time Not at existential crisis, a crisis I'm only here for a good time I've keep dreaming of explosions I have nightmares of a city in flames I keep dreaming that I found my taxidermist's head In the microwave Keying your car With the keys to your heart And I keep thinking too much About thinking too much Let's hope you don't pass this on To your son or your daughter You tried to flush your life down the toilet But I guess it's a floater I'm only here for a good time Not at existential crisis, a crisis I'm only here for a good time Not at existential crisis, a crisis I'm only here for a good time I'm only here for a for a good time Good time, good time For a good time Good time, good time For a good time Good time, good time For a good time Good time, good time For a good time I'm only here for a for a good time I'm only here for a good time Good luck with those executive cheekbones Not at existential crisis, crisis I'm only here for a good time Good luck with those executive cheekbones Na-na-na-nanana not at existential crisis, crisis I'm only here for a good time Yeah yeah Not at existential crisis, crisis I'm only here for a good time Good luck with those executive cheekbones Na-na nana nana nana not at existential crisis, crisis I'm only here for a good time
Writer(s): Dominic Bojanic-tanner Lyrics powered by