
The clown performed upon the stage Amusing young and old Their laughter echoed through the hall And kept away the cold As through the darkened streets it came A wisp of wind with deadly aim He played his part to great acclaim With wonders to unfold Attention turned toward song and dance The comic carried on And no one seemed to notice when his face grew tightly drawn From centre stage the view was clear It froze his smiling face with fear As happens when the end is near And all one's hope is gone He played his very last request Then fell upon the floor A coupe-de-gras one final jest It caused the crowd to roar For no one seemed to understand or gave the clown a helping hand It couldn't have been better planned His fans cried out for more The cold seeped in through ev-ry crack It chilled down to the bone A cam-ra flash a fade to black Outside a siren's drone Just then the doors flew open wide with medics rushing to his side No matter how the clown had died He didn't die alone
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