
Amazonian woman come lead me to the plant now Dig up the earth and tear the roots from the soil Bow down my head and humble myself before you I offer up my praises that the words may restore you Like a snake who come to seek and destroy you So is the works of the Vatican and royal Priesthoods who're claiming that they'll do something for you While covering up the truth and propagating works in toil Amazonian, come walk me through the ritual Prepare the flesh and the mind for the spiritual Voyage through time and through space in the literal And confront negative tendencies that may be habitual As a student, I yearn to learn from the teachers Whom hold the secrets of esoteric scripture Lessons within them are the arrows to my quiver And as a messenger, I need new words to deliver Ayahuasca let me skip through the chapters Glimpse of the realms and bow down before the masters Heed to their words and apply them from thereafter Open up and break the seven seals of the chakras Trespassing or am I summoned Hear nothing but a chanting shaman Nerves shaken, blood pulsing No retreat and much surrendering Broken down and rebuilt from within Forced to confront demons lingering Oblivious to the danger I'm in Sunken down as a star descending Lord be with I in my suffering For the sins that I'm atoning Waves crush and waves rushing Against the wall my pride's holding Ayahuasca shake my soul like thunder Grip the evils, cast them asunder Low frequency beings who plunder Scatter and turn them on each other Open the gates of your mind and enter No fear, no retreat, no surrender Navigate and pass through the center Heed the word of your inner messenger Against the tides of illusion Guide I and clear my vision Against the tides of confusion Help me in my decisions Jach uts a k'aj óoltik juntúul ajmeen Juntúul ajka'ansaj Kuxa'an ti'al teen Ts'úuts'uk nojoch máako'ob Yaan ti'ob le sáasil tuukul Ku t'aan yéetel le ba'alche'ob Wíiniko'ob bey xan yuumtsilo'ob k'áax Yuum cháak, siniko'ob K'áak'náab chéen u nup' u k'ab Táan u yúuchil le payalchi' Bey u tsikbaltik in chiich Kajakbal yéetel leti' Jach máan yaan u tuukul U k'aj óol le xíiwo'obo' Ich koolil máak ku ts'akik Ya'abkach k'oja'anil kak ik Ku yik xan ba'ax ku yúuchul ti'al tech Ts'áab ti' ichil u wayak' U kanik u tojkíinsik U yóol a kuxtal Máank'iinal ku xokik xan Ba'ax ku taalbal Ti'al a toj beelil U machmaj u sáastun Táan u yilik u nu'ukulil Jach máan k'a'abet ti' Ti'al u meyaj Yóok'sal u t'aan Yéetel ajkanulo'ob Ich ak t'aan Jach chéen beyo' Ku yu'ubiko'ob le payalchi'o' Leti'e' ajmeen Juntúul wíinik ajka'ansaj Jach máan u yoojel áantaj Ma'ach u tusik wíinik leti' Men u meyaj Ma' chéen báaxali' U k'ubmaj u tuukul ti'al le Jaajal K'ujo' Le óok'sale' ma' chéen bine'ex Chéen je'eltu'ux yaan le máako'ob Ku luk'siko'ob a taak'in Ku yokoltiko'ob a taak'in
Writer(s): Steven Jacobo, Jesus Christobal Pat Chable Lyrics powered by