
In the water, not far from the shore Your lion's heart don't beat anymore Our connection has been cut I'm still alive, but you are not Where do we come from, and where do we go? It never hurt me that I don't know But what was settled has been blown apart And a homeless feeling has filled my heart Now your heart don't beat anymore In the hallway you turned your back Didn't you, didn't you? It must have hit you like a heart attack But I did just what I had to do It was the only way I guess A headless rage and a violent mess We should have made a brand new start Now that I'd beat my way into your heart But your heart don't beat anymore No, your heart don't beat anymore No, your heart don't beat For as long as you still drew breath You shielded me against my death You were not there most of the time But now that you're gone I'm next in line Any doom can find me here I'm in the open and it's all too clear That your heart don't beat anymore No, your heart don't beat anymore No, your heart don't beat anymore No, your heart don't beat anymore Father's day, father's day is almost every day Father's day, father's day, the bill we will never pay
Writer(s): Borge Fjordheim, Sivert Hoyem, Cato Thomassen Lyrics powered by