
Loaded to brim with Librium Hallucinating in some retro tele nova Just using worse drugs to quit the drugs I've been using to stay comfortably numb Used to be I'd drink myself through every twist and turn But now I've grown up A bit And seen some shit Made my mistakes I've lost and won What did I learn? Holy shit I'm not dependent anymore It's fucking weird I've been an addict for a decade Now I can see the world so clearly And it's terrifying My mind feels rejuvenated All those thoughts I drowned out For so long are bubbling back up And they're driving me crazy Oh, look now I can feel again The numbness has evaded How real life it's fine and dandy No, it's not I fucking hate this Is this really how all these sober people live Life sober is over stimulating Piece of shit This feelings hell and boring normalcy Why did I even quit? Oh yeah that's right, I almost died So I suppose I'll give this sober train a ride At least until I yank out all my teeth Does this boredom never cease? Reality is a disease Oh lord, I need a fucking drink I sit in slippers on a dog hair coated sofa Staring at the ceiling contemplating God Why I numb myself and what I'm so afraid of All while I trying to ignore these racing thoughts I've a never-ending nagging need to figure out the point Or maybe there just isn't one We're all just maladroit Moronic meaningless abominations Hurdling towards an empty everlasting blank oblivion The clarity is killing me But so were the drugs Why can I not just exist happily Without being numb? Is there something I'm missing Which others have found? If you've answers inform me I'm being drug down by the weight of unknowing It's really bummin' me out I've been to hell and back And seen so much Beneath the heavens So what did I learn? Left to my own devices And stripped of all my vices I possess a tendency To overthink and analyze things But I don't think it worthless To contemplate our purpose Now that our society Appears to have become so thoughtless It seems especially important That we take a sec to gather some perspective And remember that we're all just specs Of dust within a vast expanse Created out of happenstance Diluted from the same initial spark So let's party down
Writer(s): Whitney Rae Flynn, Jesse Edward Sendejas Lyrics powered by