
The night reveals a world unseen Where darkness and beauty fiercely convene A black symphony of demons and angels In shadows the power ranges (In shadows the power ranges) A voice Ethereal Piercing through the void Emotions ignite By symphonic keys deployed With every note My soul begins to break From the depths within All pain awakes Hear the echo through the void A siren's call from the abyss deployed With each haunting note, my soul is torn In this black symphony, the lost are reborn Every chord a whisper, tearing night apart Summoning the strength of a witch's heart A voice Ethereal Shatters the calm Melodies of the shadows dance My fears awake Within these verses My demons partake Hear the echo through the void A siren's call from the abyss deployed With each haunting note, my soul is torn In this black symphony, the lost are reborn Every chord a whisper, tearing night apart Summoning the strength of a witch's heart Where nightmares exist, I find my peace In the noise of chaos, my soul's release From the depths, a glimmering light Amidst the shadows, hope burns bright A void Ethereal Soars above the storm Harmonies of light emerge My spirit takes form Beneath these chords My heart finds its place In the resonance My darkness finds grace Hear the echo through the void A siren's call from the abyss deployed With each haunting note, my soul is torn In this black symphony, the lost are reborn Every chord a whisper, tearing night apart Summoning the strength of a witch's heart In the symphony of night, find your part For every end heralds a new start Live on, through the void unyielded In the echoes of the void, we are shielded
Writer(s): Jörg Amelunxen Lyrics powered by