
Hot mango flush Hot mango flush Ladies with ice cream hair Gyroscopic pink neon beams Everybody's happy about somethin' The crowd moves like a flock of starlings They switch direction as one Jive on the jukebox, Jack and Joker Split the night air with whoop and holler Hot mango flush Faint aroma, wood smoke, old fish Diesel harbor, roadside mongrel Painted man with buttons barely Holding, bursting belly bulging Hot mango flush Doe-eyed ragamuffin mumbling Scolded for some vague infraction Stole a penny, candy-colored Sweetheart kiss down at the market Down at the market All the world seems to simmer Hot mango flush Hot mango flush Ladies with ice cream hair Gyroscopic pink neon beams Everybody's happy about somethin' The crowd moves like a flock of starlings They switch direction as one Jive on the jukebox, Jack and Joker Split the night air with whoop and holler Stole a penny, candy-colored Sweetheart kiss down at the market Down at the market All the world seems to simmer Hot mango flush Hot mango flush
Writer(s): Ian Scott Anderson Lyrics powered by