
Bald men were beating on oil drums in the indoor marshalling-yards the ceiling so high, like a brown indoor sky and cellos and bow doors were carved. The audience looked just like shoppers which most, so far, had not become. Our faces stayed blank, and we hoovered up crank, while upstairs the roads teemed with scabs and spooks and Cayman Cromwells. Say goodbye to sadness now each hearbeat matters say goodbye to beauty, ruin, rainbows, springtime, death... Brittle blue slivers of morning poked into Frank's piggy eyes he shivered through sweat as he sat there on set and a researcher spooned him cocaine. He spoke of the need for more layoffs as (his) golf pals suggested he do. Technology stuff would mop the lives up, computer graphics and digital bluff. Now he's an old man with shakes and one kidney, & his premonition is our condition, he's melting, he's melting, say it, say it... Say good bye to sadness now each heartbeat matters say good bye to beauty, ruin, rainbows, springtime, credit, blackmail, open kisses, drugs and sorrow, despair, wonder, ivy-covered frozen graveyards and the slowly-waning sun.
Writer(s): Cathlan Coughlan Lyrics powered by