
Get wet, get hard, it's Tuesday show the world you care trivial solutions in trivial affairs Tonight there is a party for a perfume called 'Despair' there's been a revolution in women's underwear. Now there's a purchase to smooth every frown trucks packed with catalogues yawn into town Billboards and flat screens announce all is well the peak of our history, united, assured, amused as hell amused as hell. The torsos keep gyrating, all tattoo'd oiled and waxed, there's been a revolution, paradise is fact. Do they fuck as well as fake it? Well, you only need to ask. Ah, such a lot of fucking, more than ever in the past. Cut to a famine, a drought or a war, need a break in the fun so the wine can be poured. The ghost of last Christmas now plays William Tell on the head of your firstborn, and you should still be amused as hell Novelty is endless & nothing's ever new but this is no 'forever' just a thing that planes fly through Here on the bypass, the loose bottom rung, where flopsongs are written, where dayjobs are done, the non-sovereign nations, in thousands, in ones, no land and no laws, from their black-spotted lungs they roar out to curse you and spit in your face. They are not being ironic; I think we should make a benefit concert, a swell carousel where the stars dry-hump livestock to keep you amused as hell amused as hell amused as hell Grand Necropolitan Grand Necropolitan desire outstrips demand don't bomb Viagrastan
Writer(s): Cathlan Coughlan Lyrics powered by