
Golani sheli Hi torei anashim Golani sheli Hi shemot ufanim Mekomot uzmanim Vekolot meshunim Hashavim Ve'olim lemuli. Golani sheli Hi milchemet shich'rur Golani sheli Hi oto hasipur Shel matzli'ach ya'el Shel kol am Yisrael Hashavim ve'olim lemuli. Golani, golani sheli, golani sheli Golani sheli Hi milchemet kadesh* Golani sheli Hi rafi'ach ve'esh Uvesheshet yamim El Tal Fachar na'im El hatel hanitzav mimuli. Golani sheli Hi gam yom kipurim Hi mutzav hachermon Befisgat heharim Rova'im sheyaru Vere'im shenot'ru Betzidei had'rachim lemuli. Golani, golani sheli, golani sheli... Golani sheli Agadah vesipur Golani sheli Le'lo ot ve'itur Shel etmol she'avar Uletikvot yom machar Hashavot ve'olot lemuli. Golani, golani sheli, golani sheli... TRANSLATION My Golani is lines of people my Golani is names and faces times and places and odd voices that are coming back and going up in front of me. My Golani is a war of liberation my Golani is the same story of the successful gazelle of all of the nation of Israel that are coming back and going up in front of me. My Golani, my Golani... My Golani is the war of Kadesh* my Golani is Rafa and gunfire and in the six days Towards Tel Fahar make our way Towards the hill rising up in front of me. My Golani Is also the war of Atonement It is the summit of Mt. Hermon Rifles that have been fired And comrades (in arms) that remained Along the roadsides in front of me. My Golani, my Golani... My Golani, my Golani, A legend and a story My Golani Without a ribbon or a medal Of yesterday gone And with hopes for the morrow That return and arise in front of me. My Golani, my Golani...
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