
Beatiful flower covered by the son mother, ascending north to the forever montains where it rains eternally beautiful flower, covered by the son mother ascending north to the foerver mountains, where it rains eternally My sister sails across the lake, that cause the people to drop their anger may all ill thoughts towards other human beings vanish, may all ill thoughts towards other human beings vanish. Entering tge grace of yesterday, picking up the juju stick on the way, entering the grace of yesterday picking up a juju stick on the way. Calling out to all painters of autumn, painters of autumn. The mountain is dancing, the mountain is dancing. Dancing to the reflection tgat echoes over the light that bounces between the stars. Between the stars. the face of tge stream in the middle of the forest, oh little green frog, pulling all the stops out, pulling all the stops out. Hi sound, Hi silence. all the world is a drean to me except you. Except your sweet soul. The mountain is dancing. The mountain is dancing, dancing in the reflection that echoes over the light that bounces between the stars, between the stars. The face of the stream in the middle of the forest. Ooh little green frog, pulling all the stops out, hi sound, hi silenxe. Hi sound Hi silence. Entering the grace of yesterday, picking out the juju stick on the way. Entering the grace of yesterday picking up the juju stick on the way. Calling out to all painters of autumn, painters of autumn. The mountain is dancing. The mountantain is dancing. The mountain is dancing. Hi sound, Hi silence. All the world is a dream to me except you, except your sweet soul. Hi sound, Hi silence. Hi sound.
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