
If you're in the market for an automobile just buy you a Chevrolet Six If you wanna know just how a rich Man feels just buy you a Chevrolet Six If you're married, You can live a happy life if you buy you a Chevrolet Six If you're single and you wanna get a wife just buy you a Chevrolet Six If you live in the country where the Hills are high just buy you a Chevrolet Six If you're jammed in the traffic and you Wanna go by just step on your Chevrolet Six I used to ride a Packard Cadillac Eight but give me my Chevrolet Six I got a date with my sugar and i never run Late cause I'm riding 'round my Chevrolet Six If you're having any trouble with the Folks at home just buy you a Chevrolet Six They'll be all smiling and they'll leave You alone if you're riding in a Chevrolet Six If you're in trouble and you wanna Get away just buy you a Chevrolet Six You can outrun the revenuers night And day if you travel in a Chevrolet Six If you ride for pleasure or if you Ride for gain just ride in a Chevrolet Six If you wanna ride out in the wind and The rain just ride in a Chevrolet Six If you want the best car you ever saw just buy you a Chevrolet Six The way to get along with your Mother-in-law is to ride her in a Chevrolet Six
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