
Now come all of you bold shanty boys And listen while I relate The story of a river man And his untimely fate The story of a river man Who's heart was true and brave It was at the jam on Gary's Rock that he met his watery grave It was on a Sunday morning As you shall quickly hear The logs were piled up mountains high We could not keep them clear Our foreman said come on brave lads With hearts devoid of fear And we'll break the jam on Gary's Rock and for Adam's Town we'll turn They had not rolled off many When they heard his clear voice say I'll have you be on your guards Boys for the jam will soon give way These words were scarcely spoken When the jam did break and go And it carried away those six brave lads with their foreman young Monroe They pulled him from his watery grave Brushed back his raven hair There's one fair form among them Who's wails did ring the air There's one fair form among them A girl from Logan's Town Who's wonton cries rang to the skies for her true love that got drowned They buried him with sorrow deep It was on the month of May Come all of you bold shanty boys And for your comrade pray They buried him with sorrow deep It was where the hemlock grow With the day and date of that sad fate of that shanty boy Monroe
Writer(s): Lissa Schneckenburger Lyrics powered by