
Early in the morning, she would gather all her island fruits And pack them as she starts another day Carefully she makes her way beside the mountain stream As she sings an island chant of long ago Sweet lady of Waiahole, (sweet sweet lady, sweet lady) She's sitting by the highway (by the highway, sitting by the highway, by the highway) Selling her papaya (papaya pa pa paya a papaya pa pa paya) And green and ripe banana (and bananas) Walking down her damp and rocky road her humble wagon stops She watched the sun creep through the valley sky Smiles and wipes the sweat off from her brow Continues on and starts her journey through the highway rising sun Later in the evening, she would gather all her island fruits And pack them as she ends another day Carefully she makes her way beside the mountain stream As she sings an island chant of long ago Selling her papaya (papaya pa pa paya a papaya pa pa paya) And green and ripe banana (and banananas)
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