
We gotta, we gotta do something about this When do you think you could make it over here? How long? I could, I could try and get there 25 minutes maybe Right, I'll try Okay, but we gotta sort this out Okay, I'm just gonna go I'm gonna head off just now and Just try to speak to some people 'bout this Well you gotta do something Yeah, 'cause if we don't take care of this then I don't even want to I don't even want to think about it Hello Hi Colin Hiya It's Martin Hi Martin I'm sorry to bother you It's alright But we've got a bit of a sketch going on here What? What? Ehm well, it's pretty hard to explain So tell us, what? Right, we are down at Macs and (ehm) Stuart and Dominic got into a bit of a row Hmm hmm And eh, Stuart was gettin' a bit stroppy with Dominic And it ended up with Dominic punchin' Stuart, and walkin' out Hmm hmm Sayin' he's not comin' back Stuart's sayin' that he's out, and stuff like that Right Erm, Stuart's away as well Where's Stuart away to? He just phoned his dad and left Alright, and is John still there? No he went away with Stuart for some reason To try and calm him down or something It was a full bloody sketch man I don't know what to do We've this thing on Tuesday Right erm, kind of limited to what I can do Yeah, but me and Paul are here, totally We don't know what to do, man Me and Paul are sittin' here and we don't know what to do Carry on mixin' Yeah? This sort of stuff happened before, you know It's pretty bad It's just 'bout a fuckin' sketch It's pretty bad Erm, right, well, if you could give Stuart a phone Erm, we can sort something out We'll find out what it's about I think Dominic's just gone to get wasted (Uh huh) Yeah, but I don't know where he went, he just left, just went in the car and went Okay, well, I'll speak to Stuart But then I'll get him to phone Dominic Right, okay, fine, right Colin, well, sorry you got down with this tonight Fine, I'll soon phone you back Okay, no problem See ya Thanks later, bye, bye
Writer(s): Dominic Aitchison, Stuart Braithwaite, John Cummings Lyrics powered by