
We're graduates from Oxbridge And we think we're frightfully clever We earn a lot of money singing songs That seem to go on forever Forever, and ever Hallelujah, hallelujah You'll sing hallelujah when this song is over Is over and done with Is over and done with Because it is so deeply boring Very boring, very boring And dated, yes dated And that was the introduction Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Song Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Song Deadly boring, massively boring Jolly dull, jolly dull Very, very tedious, very, very tedious Dull, dull, yes Dull, dull, dull Shocking tedium, shocking tedium Shocking tedium, shocking tedium Shocking tedium, shocking tedium Deadly monotony, monotony Rigor mortis, rigor mortis Soporific, soporific Really, really flat, stale And unprofitable Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Song Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Song I sing the bass part and gaily I croon But I don't get much to sing in the way of a tune Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Song I sing the, bits in the Middle that, nobody Else would sing, in their right Mind And although, I feel quite Artistic-ally fulfilled I know that, my voice gets Drowned Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Song I'm the counter-tenor, you may think my voice is silly But it doesn't mean that I was born without some low notes Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Very, very boring (Boring, boring) Song Deadly boring, massively boring Jolly dull, jolly dull Very, very tedious, very, very tedious Dull, dull, yes Dull, dull, dull Shocking tedium, shocking tedium Shocking tedium, shocking tedium Shocking tedium, shocking tedium Deadly monotony, monotony Rigor mortis, rigor mortis Soporific, soporific Really, really flat, stale And extremely Profitable
Writer(s): Dillie Keane Lyrics powered by