
耳朵借我 這幾分鐘 這首歌會替我說 妳在心中 怎麼形容 像荒漠開出花朵 原諒我的指頭在顫抖 是我把黑鍵當妳的手 如果妳心裡也能協奏 請妳對我輕輕點頭 這是為妳寫的歌 充滿忐忑 像生命所有轉折 要妳認可 只等妳來唱和 我會在妳左右 Cos baby I wrote this I wrote this for you 每次斟酌 每個段落 是妳應得的溫柔 每小節的 心跳觸動 想傳到妳的胸口 也沒有一時澎湃悸動 卻能在深秋細水長流 這世界什麼都會陳舊 除了妳回頭的微笑 這是為妳寫的歌 充滿忐忑 像生命所有轉折 要妳認可 只等妳來唱和 我會在妳左右 Cos baby I wrote this I wrote this for you 每一天我願像銀河 陪伴著夜空 是否 妳也願身邊永遠 有我 失去記憶一樣哼著 讓和絃在我們心口流動 直到兩雙手都彈皺了 我還依舊為妳寫歌 這是為妳寫的歌 充滿忐忑 像生命所有轉折 要妳認可 只等妳來唱和 我會在妳左右 Cos baby I wrote this I wrote this for you Oh it's a singalong song that's not too long It's when I think about you that I hear songs And you can singalong maybe if you want to Cos baby I wrote this I wrote this for you Cos baby I wrote this I wrote this for you
Writer(s): Da Tong Fang, Song Wei Ma Lyrics powered by