
Some people hate the Muslims Some people hate the gips Some people have no problems Picking on the nips How would you like to be told about The cocks your mother sucked? It's one great long brutal shout: "You and all your race, get fucked!" Understanding fine, I grant ya But come on, let's be frank Got no time at all for another culture In the line at the autobank Inside of us there is a lout When civilisation's crushed Time has come to let him out: "You and all your race, get fucked!" Don't call me nigger, whitey Don't call me whitey, nigger. There's nothing more to race relations Than a bit of the old push and shove Got no need at all for the United Nations When we've got death behind the pub Black, white, yellow, we agree about Why are hands are clutched - We wanna punch each other fucking out! "You and all your race, get fucked!" Well the Irish hate the Irish And it's Arab versus Jew You're cactus if you're Kurdish And by Christ, I'm sick of you. Well, there's bullets to be sprayed about Don't call me nigger, whitey Grenades to be chucked Don't call me whitey, nigger Two of us left, so watch out: Don't call me nigger, whitey "You and your race, get fucked!" Don't call me whitey, nigger Don't call me nigger, whitey Don't call me wing-nut, gippo Don't call me faggot, yobbo Don't call me rapist, leso Call me Harold, call me Earnest, Just don't call me late for breakfast
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