
PLT (Willie McCool): OK Houston, we're gonna start APUs 1 and 3 now. CAPCOM (Charlie Hobaugh): And Willie, we're with you on remaining APU start. CAPCOM: And Columbia, the Hyd Fluid Thermal Conditioning will not be required today... we'll meet you on the cards PLT: We copy Houston, Hyd Fluid Thermal Conditioning not required and we copy going to the cards. CAPCOM: And Rick, don't wanna lead you astray, and don't forget the stuff on page 3-44 . CDR (Rick Husband): Alright we're checking that, we got the flight controller power on and we're working through the rest of it as well, thanks. CAPCOM: Sounds good. CAPCOM: Columbia, Houston, for Rick we'll take another ITEM 27 please CAPCOM: Columbia, Houston, comm check. CAPCOM: Columbia, Houston, UHF comm check...
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