
When Faith was smaller, She had a treasure Made just for little girls Though made of plastic, She loved to wear them Her own strand of shiny pearls Faith had a father, kind and gentle How he loved his little girl One night at bedtime he asked her Will you give me your pearls Oh no, not my pearls, Faith said How about my teddy instead And he said, your Daddy loves you – It's okay And with a kiss, he tucked in, his little Faith As Faith grew, now and then he'd ask her To give him her precious pearls And though she loved him She couldn't give up Her favorite thing in this world Until one night, she said through her tears Daddy, these are for you As she let go of her little treasure He was crying too As he took her worn, plastic pearls Around her neck he placed A beautiful strand of genuine pearls He had saved just for his sweet Faith For all this world may have in store He waits with so much more Your Father loves you, it's okay To let go of what you hold with Faith
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