
.Grand Central Station wheels and it deals, The crowds rush and scramble, Round past the newsstands and out across the floors And I did some singing, And I played guitar, down near a doorway, Howling out words and banging out chords. {Soc} Well, think what you will, Laugh if you like, it don't make no difference to me. I'll open my case, and I might catch a coin, But all ears may listen for free Big clocks were tickin', trains came and went, ]sad, ragged figures ]Limped in the hallways and dug through the trash While old folks and young folks, passed in a flood, on dashing somewhere, Wrapped in their lives and gone in a flash Well, a man came a talkin', He stopped where I stood. He warned me so gravely, 'The cops here'll nab ya, Boy and they'll ]take ya right on down,' yes, but I took my]chances, and luck saw me through, I s]tayed until I'd finis]ed, Played what I pleased and poured out my sound
Writer(s): Steve Forbert Lyrics powered by