
Through midnight skies on desert winds Bearing tidings of warfare Of endless pestilence familiar to the darkened one Empowering thelemite sign immortalize We bow to none Weak Christian lepers are fading fast En hungered beaks accept their flesh Necrotic skin dissolving The Devil's will be looming A reach ever boundless and omnipotent With radiance, the hell bird soars Anathematizing victims Curse them with hatred from our lord On wings of blackened grandeur ride Envenoming our weaponry with Supernatural strength we strike Sad Christian failures to fade at last Be winged fiends consume what's left Necrotic skin erupting The dark lord he's laughing Your father forsaken faithlessly Suffer endlessly Bird of omens Ill harbinger of blight The raven waits with vengeance in his sights Do as thou wilt is the whole of our law This world befallen within blackened claws Quarantined, contaminated Destitute camps of putrefying Grace plague on this world Eliminated raven returns Reeking of their mass graves Harken to his voice Uphold our blackened creed Their god be dead Bird of omens Ill harbinger of blight The raven waits with hatred in his eyes
Writer(s): Ryan Knight, Brian Garrett Eschbach, Trevor Scott Strnad, Ryan Williams, Shannon Michael Lucas Lyrics powered by