
In the hills of old Virginia, met a girl in the station line Hair was long, her eyes were hazel, and her smile I remember fine This here rail line will take you nowhere that you want to be bound Take you deep to the city, where the lights won't go down Where the lights won't go down Somewhere east of Memphis, I met a boy in the station line His eyes were low, his hands were weathered, with trouble on his mind This old rail line will take you nowhere that you want to be bound Take you east from the city through the fields of rusty brown Through the fields of rusty brown How I long to be in Virginia, with the one from the station line How I long to be there lying with you lying by my side I was going to see my mama, past few years she's taken ill Left my job in the city to go out and try to make her well I was waitin' by the railside for the sale to be signed Farmers falling by the wayside, me and the boys were in a bind Me and the boys were in a bind Don't know another way but to farm the ground where I was raised Give it up and sell this truck... Lord it'd be the end of me I'd forgotten how still and quiet, the whip-poor-will song at night I'd forgotten where I came from, got lost in those city lights I got lost in those city lights How I long to be in Virginia, with the one from the station line How I long to be there lying with you lying by my side Someday I hope to find her, she's a gentle on my mind Pray her ma' is getting better, I'd like to show them around the farm Maybe one day we'll me again, his voice sweet and low I'll leave the job in the city to make that boy my own To make that boy my own How I long to be in Virginia, with the one from the station line How I long to be there lying with you lying by my side With you lying by my side With you lying by my side
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