
down at the scene of the crime they're working overtime they're fuelling the fire feeding the wire what sounds like a choir is a house of liars still looking for one good and honest person for hire down by the riverside it's do or die shopping carts, bottles passed around open fire further up the nile lives the king of denial let's start the trial and somewhere in between there is gasoline electricity fuelled by television screens closets full of pockets attached to every string attached to hearts that are struggling to sing time is everything it's the only thing what the harvest brings the joy we sing so tell me who will rock the boat stand up stand up stand your ground don't back down do not crave no crown no false story no glory no more children going hungry no more begging on your knees no more please please please no walls no war no more settling the score no more rich man favour never favouring the poor people take the street bring the rhythm bring the beat we come electrified intensified we're coming true and tried you want the sunshine here comes the sunshine you want the sunshine here comes the sunshine coca-cola daughter your days are getting hotter they came for the fuel now they come for the water it's this desiring the choice we make what the harvest brings the joy we sing who will rock the boat stand up stand up
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