Listen to Wraggle Taggle Gipsies from Flow Gently Sweet Rhythm (Remastered) [feat. Maxine Sullivan] by Charlie Shavers

Wraggle Taggle Gipsies from Flow Gently Sweet Rhythm (Remastered) [feat. Maxine Sullivan]

Charlie Shavers


47 Shazams


There were three gypsies a-come to my door And downstairs ran this lady, o! One sang high and another sang low And the other sang bonny, bonny, Biscay, o Then I pulled off my silk finished gown And put on hose of leather, o The ragged, ragged, rags about our door I'ma gone with the wraggle, taggle gypsies, o It was late last night, when my lord came home Enquiring for his a-lady, o The servants said, on every hand She's a-gone with the wraggle, taggle gypsies, o Oh, he rode high and he rode low He rode through woods and copses too Until he came to a wide open field And there he espied his a-lady, o What makes me leave my house and land? What makes me leave my money? O What makes me leave my new wedded lord To follow the wraggle, taggle gypsies? O Oh, what care I for my house and lord? What care I for my money, o? What care I for my new wedded lord? I'm off with the wraggle, taggle gypsies, o Oh, what care I for a goose-feather bed? With the sheet turned down so bravely, o For tonight, I sleep in a wide open field Along with the wraggle, taggle gypsies, o Along with the wraggle, taggle gypsies
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