
I don't recall another time I took a hit and felt so fine Lost control of heart and mind Rollin rockin' there's no stoppin' Told myself to take it slow Wait to see where this will go Check me now What do you know I'm head first all in No chute no wings It's not a gentle thing There's bound to be some pain But I keep coming back Again and again. They call it falling But it feels like flying Hard and fast and no fear of dying Your heart could break And still you won't slow down Till you hit that high Ain't it more like Crashing in love? Is it good bad for me good for me In the stars and Meant to be Or headed straight for tragedy, Are you an angel Or a devil? Words in whispers Softest touch A little smile and I am crushed The feeling hits me like a truck I'm off my feet My heart stops beating It's not a gentle thing There's bound to be some pain But I keep coming back Again and again. They call it falling But it feels like flying Hard and fast and no fear of dying Your heart could break And still you won't slow down Till you hit that high Ain't it more like Crashing in love? Bridge Memories of sadder days with broken hearts They fade away with every moment Every rush to pass between the two of us The way you look at me gives me the Strength that I neet to take the leap Surrender all despite where my heart may fall
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