
"'David:"' The fact is that I'll spend three years of time in jail The fact is that that's very small The fact is that you and I live in the midst of a society Which does much more than send people to jail We live in a society that's become synonymous Not simply with sending people to jail And not simply with starving people all around the world Not simply with the most devastating tools of destruction That mankind has ever known Not simply with the pillaging and rape of an entire landscape We live in a society that beyond all those things Has become synonymous with death itself Which is why I myself, and many people like me Are going to spend a lot more than simply three years in prison Not because we simply violate the law There are thousands upon thousands of law violations The question is not simply law There's a much more basic principle that's been violated Beyond all things, the life of a man is that man And beyond all other things, every man has an indigenous right To live, and to exercise life If there is one thing I'll leave behind It's a very simple statement that I'll close with Which is that there's no direction to go but forward There's no place to run, there's no place to hide There's only one way that you and I will get out There's only one way that you and I will see the things we want to see And that's to build them, and that may be a painful process That may be a process in which any number of people Expend any amount of energy That may be a process where you and I Will have to endure any number of things That don't seem to us to be pleasant But it must be done It must be done For a very simple reason The simple reason is that life is sacred
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