
萬紫千紅(二)(不了情.情人的眼淚.玫瑰玫瑰我愛你.默默的相思.桃李爭春) 唱:顧媚.方逸華 忘不了,忘不了, 忘不了你的錯,忘不了你的好; 忘不了雨中的散步,也忘不了那風裡的擁抱。 忘不了,忘不了,I Can't Forget Your Smile Every Time That You Are Near. I Seem To Hear Music In My Heart. It Played A Song That Told Me We'd Never Part. 為什麼要對你掉眼淚, 你難道不明白為了愛。 只有那有情人眼淚最珍貴, 一顆顆眼淚都是愛,都是愛。 I Know That Now You've Gone I'll Be Alone, Alone With Memories My Very Own. Maybe Someday You Will Return To Me My Love. But Through The Lonely Years, I'll Cry These Lover's Tears. 玫瑰玫瑰最嬌美,玫瑰玫瑰最艷麗; 長夏開在枝頭上,玫瑰玫瑰我愛你。 Rose, Rose, I Love You With An Aching Heart. What Is Your Future Now We Have To Part. Standing On The Jetty As The Steamer Moves Away Flower Of Malaya I Cannot Stay. 窗外海連天,窗內春如海,人兒帶醉態。 The Autumn Wind Must Blow. The Autumn Wind Has To Go. I See The Light, The Happy Light's Down There Below. 他假裝歡歡喜喜,把頭抬起, 默默相思,相思在他心底。 但願有一天再遇見你, 回到失去的甜蜜時期。 I'll Hold My Head Up High, Looking To The Sky. So They Won't See All The Tears That Are In My Eyes. No One Will Know, I'm Going Through My First Lonely Night Without You. 回到失去的甜蜜時期 (My First Lonely Night Without You), 回到失去的甜蜜時期,回到失去的甜蜜時期!
Writer(s): Various Artists Lyrics powered by