
We of blood frozen so thick, it cannot thaw Joints lubricated by sweet alcohol Liver dissolving, eyelids but heavy sheets Ignorant bliss and the bloodshot secrets it will keep Pills, if you wouldn't mind Clouds of vapor to stretch out the miles Hungover, we'll greet a certain death With a flash of chipped tooth smile Each cities' demons buried beneath In this campaign of vice Our drinking song, a reprise A slow blur existence Wading knee deep in sin Clutch at the ulcer Acknowledge the frailties within At dawn we begin again You who have never seen your breath, are you alive? This mitten clenches in a fist to kiss this fucking world goodnight Destroyer, my only keeper I kneel unto your amber gates (And) pray you'll kill the ugliness that sleep won't take away Free drinks... they shall not kill us They only warm our fucking bones! But late at night, I can't forget your laugh And everything I used to know But I've never seen so many faces But I've never felt this all alone But I guess this is what I've always wanted A four-wheeled coffin to call home I will not ask another name Disappearing faster than they came Are you having fun? Are you entertained? Another heart-shaped bruise Another friend back home I'll lose Am I missing something? What is left to prove? Another heated first-name fuck Another stroke of dead man's luck Another year I can't replace ANOTHER TEAR SENT DOWN HER FACE At dawn we begin again Till our deaths shall bring an end You who have never seen your breath, are you alive? This mitten clenches in a fist to kiss this fucking world goodnight Destroyer, my only keeper I kneel unto your amber gates (And) pray you'll kill the ugliness that sleep won't take away
Writer(s): Brian Garrett Eschbach, Trevor Scott Strnad, John Kempainen, David Russell Ian Lock, Zachary Gibson Lyrics powered by