
It was an August morning on the Western front, And the grass was the only thing moving ' cept the wind-blown trumpet In the hand of a dead man, Died like a virgin as it never had a chance to make a sound. Siggy Thompson's photo of the wife and kids was taken from the father Who was blown to bits- is that a hero's death. Well tell him now as he might not fell like joining. Oh! what a lovely war, what it for, Let's have another one, Oh! what a lovely war, what it for, Let's have another one, Daddy's head resting in a strawberry bed, what price his medal, When it's piecerd by lead, For what General said and the pension clerk shows a cold smile While you're waiting. Ten thousand men died here today in mud with rats and sandbags were The only friend to those men in the end, What goods a poppy if your six months dying, Oh! what a lovely war, what it for, Let's have another one, Oh! what a lovely war, what it for, Let's have another one, It was an August morning 1942, young Thompson was a member Of a gun crew, Like the dad he never knew, It's all so bloody stupid like a deat- wish Born for dying.
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