
I fuck your daughters Hack them up Kill them one by one The taste of pure slut is all that keeps me here Lock up your doors Lock up the sluts Lock up their cunts Everything I want I fucking own My life revolves around fucking possession Everything that I own I just posses to dismember They love to watch themselves hacked apart All their limbs have been removed Enter the mind of a psychopath Where girls remain possessions Do you love what I have done? Raping just for the fun Do you love what I have done? Raping just for the fun Have I lost my mind? For becoming who I am It's all your fucking fault Dumb bitches fuck they don't understand This world does not revolve around them All your limbs will be removed with tedious precision What's left is fucking useless but still breathing Each breath feeds them as they chew flesh My conscience escapes me when I feel the warm insides of sluts All your limbs have been removed I live two separate lives I'm hiding in disguise Seek and you'll fucking find I live two separate lives Hidden from their fucking eyes I hunt in secret I hunt in silence I stalk my prey in secret Watch them waste away I stalk my prey in secret Watch them waste away I stalk my prey in secret Watch them waste away I stalk my prey in secret Watch them waste away
Writer(s): Gary Markowski, Sean Thomas Delander, Lee Stanton Lyrics powered by