
Who'll take Grandma, who'll it be All of us want it, I'm sure you'll agree Let's call a meeting an' let's gather the clan An' let's get it settled as soon as we can. Strange how we thought she'd never tire out But see how she walks, barely gets about When people gets older they become such a care She must have a home but the question is where. Remember she helped us with lessons and tended our seams Kissed away our troubles and mended our dreams Wonderful Grandma, we all loved her so Now won't it be ashame if she has no place to go. Just one little corner is all she'd need Somebody to talk with an' the bible to read Who'll warm her with love so she won't mind the cold Who'll take Grandma now that she's old. And if none of us want her then there is one Willing to give her a place in the sun Pretty soon now God will give her a home But who"ll dry our tears when dear grandma is gone. Who'll take Grandma and give her a home?...
Writer(s): Cliff Crofford, Tommy Allsup, Alice E. Chase Lyrics powered by