
She's been out in that kitchen all mornin' now 'Cause tomorrow is Chrustmas eve Now I ain't had the heart to show her some how These letters I hate for her to read. Yesterday mornin' I went after the mail I always bring it back to her to open But for some reason though I read Johnny's letter And he ain't comin' home like we was hopin'. With him bein' the yougest in his first year away I knowed it was gonna hurt her some So I didn't tell her right then thought I'd wait till today Till after the mail had run. Then this mornn' there was letter from both the girls Now they wouldn't be writtin' if they was comin' home So I opened them up and sure enough They got around to it 'fore long. Dear mom and dad please understand Well, it hurts me so much to say I won't be there the way I planned No, I won't be home Christmas day. Now they all three got their reasons And each one believes the other two will be comin' home And I know they'd find a way to be here Christmas eve If they knowed we was goin' to be alone. So she's out in that kitchen gettin' thing ready For a family that won't be here And in a little while now she'll read these letter And each one will bring a tear. Dear mom and dad, please understand What it hurts so much to say I won't be here the way I planned No, they won't be home Christmas day...
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