
Rats gone rat, run and tell that, finish ya Master neanderthal, planning to finish ya Ass get to bashin' irrational passion Of blastin' to masses of unorthodox action Cops, cops, cops (somebody call the) Cops, cops, cops (somebody call the) Cops, cops, cops (somebody call the) Cops, cops, cops, cops Yo! I tell 'em hold on, wait Awaiting the celebration Of us gunin' the ones that be running they lips Ain't no shunning today Societies ways are stationed and eradicating us Our nation has poisoned the mind, killing mankind And slayed the liberation I must say, that we the people seemed to obtain A hegemonic way of thinking these days Taught to think a certain way And bash those who don't think the same, insane A nigga like me refuses to be what society sees Never conform And never be an ignorant nigga who don't know what's going on, ugh Rats gone rat, run and tell that, finish ya Master neanderthal, planning to finish ya Ass get to bashin' irrational passion Of blastin' to masses of unorthodox action Cops, cops, cops (somebody call the) Cops, cops, cops (somebody call the) Cops, cops, cops (somebody call the) Cops, cops, cops, cops Um, 'cause we the people, we are the equal Our deceitful past has left us lethal They think we're evil, now they tend to point us out like the needles Killing us off with needles Let's come back with a sequel Come back peaceful, and kill 'em with intellect Now they cannot critique you This life is a game of chess A team of blacks and whites to keep the king in check And the American dream is an American mess We buy material things, but guess who's cutting the checks Ha, you ever thought about that? The system's designed to draw all of us back We are blind to the fact that luxury distracts Because the art of trickery is so abstract Light skinned versus dark skinned Her versus him, gay versus straight, thick versus slim Got damn Man kill that noise, don't nobody wanna hear that noise We don't feel that noise, so conceal that noise Don't reveal that noise, understand that? Rats gone rat, run and tell that, finish ya Master neanderthal, planning to finish ya Ass get to bashin' irrational passion Of blastin' to masses of unorthodox action Cops, cops, cops (somebody call the) Cops, cops, cops (somebody call the) Cops, cops, cops (somebody call the) Cops, cops, cops, cops I won't be the same I refuse to be called anything else besides my God-given name Because we as a people, were taught to think a specific way And in doing so, we put down those who tend to think different So I refuse to conform to societies rules I refuse to think and look like others I refuse to be ignorant I refuse to accept being told that I Won't make it, or that I won't make a change I refuse to be treated like a celebrity, being famous ain't shit I dare someone treat me like I'm greater than man We are all the same Stop it I won't feed into the media I won't become a modern-day slave We are told not to question They silence the ones who know too much information They kill off the revolutionaries They want us to think we're living the American dream But they're enslaving us in the process I refuse to conform to societies standards of beauty We are our own people Let us live our lives the way we chose Not by ways that were chosen for us Your uniqueness will always make you beautiful
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