
There's a painting in the bathroom From your art school days Reminds you of the one who got away There's a stranger in the kitchen Screaming out your name Reminds you of how quickly things can change Everyday it keeps on closing in You'd start again if you knew where to begin Happiness is a hard old place to find Some people have been searching all their lives That moment when you think that you've arrived And you're last in line There's a date in your diary 1985 One decision changed the course your life And here you are in the bedroom sorting through regrets Which ones to keep which to forget Everyday brings a little less belief You'd start again if you could find the space to breathe Happiness is a hard old place to find Some people have been searching all their lives That moment when you think that you've arrived And you're last in line You won't find it in a movie or at the bottom of a glass And in those silly books that you've amassed It's not on no prescription or on pay per view There is no big secret only you When everyday feels like the one before Only you know what you're waiting for Happiness is a hard old place to find Some people have been searching all their lives That moment when you know that you've arrived And you're next in line
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