
All I'm doing is writing, feel like I needed a break, Can't tell if it's day or night or if I'm asleep or awake, Red light on my phone keeps flashing, is that a text or a tweet? Open it up and it says "You should be sleeping next to me" This can't be a new message, I checked the time and the date, She wouldn't never have sent it, What shall I say? So I text back "Who's with you?" And it failed 'cause I aint got signal, So I called her and she didn't pick up and so I text back and I said that I miss you. Why you aint pick up the phone for? I've been trying to call you, Its been over a year now since the last time I saw you, And who's the guy that you're with now? I aint drinking and I don't want to sit down Tell me what his name is, And who the fxxx is Jason? Why's he telling me he knows you? And knows the places that we used to go to? Do you miss me? Does it hurt when you tell people that you aint with me? How do you explain it? Aint you sick of the same shit? How did you end up with the lamest? I was the guy you could pick up the pace with. and I'm saying. I'm in Marvins Room, I don't want to lose it but I'm starting to, You don't want to break his heart in two, But I can do things to you that he can't do, So why you trying to par me? Say the word and I'll be over in heart beat Where's my car keys? Remember the things that we did on my car seat? Why you getting all arsey? Talk to me, What do you want to ask me? How many girls have I been with? Why did I keep you at a distance? And why am I calling you now? Stop for a second and just hear me out, You were the only one I wanted in my world And I never thought that I would ever love another girl...
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