
The Sun sets over the clouds The world stands so still not a sound But listen carefully you can hear the whispering Announcing the arrival of the Shabbos queen The candles reflecting the joy On the faces of every girl and boy Mother prays there silently children sing lecha dodi As the shechina descends to fill the world with peace Suddenly from the dark Comes my Shabbos my Spark And it's holiness lights up my soul It's a treasure that makes me feel whole And my spirit soars cause my heart feels at home And on each Friday night I can close my eyes tight I can picture it so vividly I can taste the Geula so sweet It's the taam gen eden my neshama seeks And as long as klal yisroel keeps the shabbos Very soon Hashem will also keep his promise And on that day his candles cast their glow We'll be on our way back home to yerushalayim I'm atem meshamrim neiros shel shabbos Ani mareh lachem neiros shel tzion Sun sets over the clouds The world is alive joy abound Listen carefully you can hear the calling Announcing the arrival of moshiach Ben David The candles burn brighter than before They will light up the world forever more Oh The galus has been long But klal yisroel remained so strong אני מראה לכם נרות של ציון
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