
Kenneth Olusanya
Kenneth Olusanya
Kenneth Olusanya
Kenneth Olusanya


So, my fiancée was pregnant Don't worry I know I know I know Those words didn't mix well with my guts either And no, mm-mm, I know what you're thinking But that was not my doing I'm smooth alright, but not that smooth When we were kids, we would play tag together And I would chase her around the playground Knowing for sure that one day I would pursue her right up to the wedding altar And few years ago, she was just a baby I wanted to grow up in love with her Call her my baby Now, she was having a baby Things were meant to be as easy as A B See I was suspicious I mean who wouldn't be? If only her lips did not betray her reality If only that bump on her stomach Did not trump her maternity Did she think me so foolish to believe To believe that she had cheated on me with Yahweh? So, I looked into her eyes Those sorry eyeballs soaking wet with streams of tears That flowed from an endless cycle of explanations And petitions posed to vindicate Her current state of implication Easily kicked down by the institutions of procreation Her justifications lacked fortitude I looked at her lips Trying to investigate the lies curved beneath her smile And all the words that escaped them Telling of some angelic visit that promised her womb To be the house of deity The Saviour of all humanity All my ears heard was fornication Hmm-mmm At this rate, she could be stoned to death If anyone found out, she would become The poster child for infidelity The canvas of immorality Painted across by the 10 fingers of tablets of stone Justice will be required, and judgement satisfied I mean tell me What would I tell my parents? What would I tell them about a relationship Turned into question marks? How would I explain an illegitimate baby whose Genetic code would be engraved in divinity Whose DNA could not be traced to my paternity Whose formation could not be conceived with rationality? The finality of my decision was to let it go I was frozen Torn between the beating conundrums of my heart And I, I broke down I made up my mind to break up But breaking through the silence of the night Was a breakthrough When an angel broke in and Broke off the chains caging this engagement Disengagement was out of the picture After all, I truly, truly loved her And apparently, she had been right all along And months after, on one holy night Whose silence was pierced With the loud cries of our baby boy Cries and stars became a siren pulling in visitors And when I saw the wisest men in our land Bow in adoration of a baby barely a day old I knew in my heart, that the God Who wrapped the universe into existence I had wrapped in swaddling clothes That the Infinite had become an infant This was the birth of a scandal The scandal of grace I remember now Yes I do, I remember now what Isaiah meant When he gossiped about my boy And gave a glorious naming ceremony Of course, without my permission That He would be called Wonderful Counsellor, the Mighty God The Prince of Peace, the Everlasting One The never-ending Ruler The Mediator and Advocate Author and finisher of salvation The Passover Lamb Our Sabbath The One who signed the New Covenant With His blood as ink, saying It is finished! And sealed the deal When He silenced the grave and Defeated death by a breath-taking victory I have heard of Christmas You 21st Century future people say that The reason for the season Is about the One they put in prison for treason But listen, there's something missing I'm not teasing That is true to a very large extent But I came to realize later on that more so You are the reason for the season We all are You are the reason Why the King of all Creation Became a servant of no reputation You are the reason Why the throne of the glorious Lord Became a stable You are the reason why the immortal God Drank of mortality and took up your frame You are at the center of His love All He ever did was for you The holes in His hands Were pierced to make you whole The spear wound in His side was To bring you forever to His side He was stripped naked so that you would be Adorned with robes of righteousness He took that Roman Cross so that you would Cross from death to life He wore the crown of thorns, so that on your head Would rest the crown of life He took His last breath to give you a hope Beyond your own last breath So again, I say You are the reason for the season That's why He came To take away your shame Rid you of all blame To save you mightily through His name Replacing desires within you that you cannot tame So, this is what I proclaim That because of Him You will never be the same The birth of a scandal led to the new birth of a prodigal You and me This is the reason for the season That the Son of God became a man So that men might become the sons of God
Writer(s): Kenneth Olusanya Lyrics powered by