
Ndirungotaura nyaya semaziviro andoiita Ten, yeah, yeah Ini ndorohwa neguilt (neguilt) I will be texting Amanda like "Iwe sha come timborova machills" Saka pandabva kunoona Matilda She heard I'm leadin' the youth, she came (she did) Then I said the sentence that killed her I told she wasn't nothin' (ah!) Ndakamboti she's a muffin Muffin radyiwa, maffin rapera Zvangova zvehondo, zvazvibhakera She said, "Holy do you love me?" I said, "Wangu, zvazviri pachena" I told her no! (No, no, no, no, no! No!) I told her you gotta go! Me and my fellow brothers are abusing the girl child (ah!) We know if she's on the booze then she gonna act wild (wild) So, it's fofafofa (fofafofa) Inonzi fofafofa (inonzi fofafofa) Plan richirongwa rinonzi riri kutanga na nine a day in advance (-vance) Tine maziVodka chasara kutsvaga mapints. We're paying in Rands (in Rands) Boys remugroup riri kunetsa kuvhura rikutaura kuti tsvagai machicks (machicks) Boys remugroup harichada zvidhura rikutaura kuti kandai mapics, first Ichi, no (no!), ichi, yes (yes!), ichi kuzora Ichi chimukedha, ichi ihorror (horror!) Ichi ndochiketa, ichi bho, chakambondipeta (ah) Zvisinei, zvisinei (zvisinei) Pinda DM, iti bae (iti bae) Chingopinda muBMzve Vanessa (bvurrru) Chingopinda muBMzve Vanessa Vana vevanhu vanomukira mudzimba dzedu vanebhabharasi Muchifunga kuti varara paCampus Vararadzwa nemadhara aya (ah!) Hapana anoganzira gesture, wangu Yangove bata wabata Pakadai anorwadza makata Pakadai takatamba makasa, tawana basa, so as it seems But ini honestly ndakuda zveChurch I've been actively getting involved with it I'm confessing kuti ndanga ndichizviita (ndanga ndichizviita) Me and my fellow brothers are abusing the girl child (ah!) So we know if she's on the booze then she gonna act wild (wild) Ndongotaura nyaya semaziviro andoyiita Inonzi fofafofa (inonzi fofafofa)
Writer(s): Nejc Razpotnik, Mukudzei Chitsama Lyrics powered by