
Fuck! New birth Defenceless breath Pure mind Skin without scars What have you become, you son of a bitch? You made it I was born I was born You are what gave me this fucking life But I didn't ask I am what you didn't expect in your life I am your best creation You are what gave me this fucking life But I didn't ask I am what you didn't expect in your life I am your best creation I didn't want to be To be born from you, bitch Pray, my son Tomorrow will be better But all I see Is ravens in the ground Pray, my daughter Tomorrow will be better But I don't hate you for blinded eyes I didn't get it Your blinded eyes To fucking spite you I didn't want to be Didn't want to be with you Sweet and inhuman I tear you from the heart If you gave birth to me Then try to bury me A concrete cross will become your cradle Go Hit me when I'm on my knees and say again Pray, my son Tomorrow will be better But all I see Is ravens in the ground I hope I'll don't die in this house
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