
The Lord's my Shepard, David cried, I'll desire none Down in the pastures green I lay, where peaceful waters run He gives new life within me, He leads me where I want to be, even though I go Through valleys of death I fear no evil, cause I feel, Thy rod and staff will comfort me In the presence of my enemies, Thy prepare a table just for me Anoint my head with oil My cup overflows Love and goodness unfailing, will always follow me All the days of my life, let me live with Thee The fires once took me far beyond, when black was burning gold Will I still play the part of men, or boys who don't grow old? Cause what is known by days to come, Is known by God and not by some, who fake their hope in man Cause, once I bowed, And begged my breath, for he who died before his death And blamed it all on God God understands Through love and goodness unfailing, I too can understand That all the days of my life, are counted on His hand You're here, though not in person, still you father me in thought Put Your hand upon my shoulder, it's a hand that can't be bought You're here, though not in person, but your voice can still be heard Like David, we're all forgotten, but remembered in our ... words
Writer(s): Steve Hofmeyr Lyrics powered by