
This song is a pastiche Of Mariah Carey Arianna, Lady Gaga, Kelly Clarkson and Madonna Every diva anthem is the same I'm fierce and throwin' shade And haters gonna hate How many more songs do people need to hear About tight lit fleek yas queens? About a million This is one huge F.U. you to my ex I hope your life's a wreck And that you burn in heck You might be saying hey if you've moved on You wouldn't have written this whole song And made a video Nah, screw that do the clappin' Sassy finger waggin' Add cleavage for the flappin' Shove ads in, nice wagon COOL! And I invited models and some former viners DROOOL! Actual Party At least partly Brought my gay army They're mad corny There's Paris Hilton, wait is she still a thing? Hot tub time machine went to 2003 Celebrity party They're all tardy Was that Tom Hardy? Not hardly Got Jamie Foxx cus we runnin' this town He's just here to ask us to keep the noise down My shrink told me to pay you no attention I wrote this song to mention You're so not my obsession It's not like I have a voodoo doll of you That I stick hot forks into How's your neck feel? And the grass under me is astro turf Cus L.A. is a desert Where nothing grows or matures And no I'm not looking for some hair of yours To use for a gypsy curse OOOKA SHAKA! Got more crack than an addict That thong guy is the fattest This party is the saddest So I left in that lyft BYE! But then they made me come right back Because the song's not done Bubble bath party I just farted Keep it hundo P I also peed Got my real friends here and we are dabbing I didn't hire them from central casting This song was for Barney Fk Barney I'm still mad you fired me At age thirteen I loved you You loved me You said that we were a happy family
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