
Ritualistic Sanctum, ingurgitation A satiation persistantly tempted and strengthened Whoa I still feel remorse for this life and everyone slithering to get by Never asked to be here What now? We will find more aware of the absurdities The night sky reveals a hole in the wall Unique grafitti obscures the side of the tavern Do I enter or do I turn back The decision to look inside Severed heads of taxidermy Draped in close proximity of the rotted ceiling Wasting away! The room filled with patrons seem to be celebrating For no reason at all and why Cast under the spell of intemperance The room filled with patrons seem to be celebrating Amalgamate! Elixirs of delusions Eyes begin to meet the selection A myriad of bottles and more liquor I'm unsure of what to try You can't go wrong with the classics Now gimme a beer and shot I start to rise from the ashes Blegh You'll stuff it down, stuff it down even deeper "I'll take another round" I will never be satisfied This process of consuming Slurp it down Ritualistic Sanctum Ritualistic Sanctum, ingurgitation A satiation persistantly tempted and strengthened Inner voice silenced Lechery dominates Eminence ensues Mistaken aplomb Desire for perpetual juncture of the spot This is my necropolis Finally, I feel free from strife To prolong this effect I shall integrate myself within this proclaimed paradise
Writer(s): Brad Kearnaghan, Joel Schwallier Lyrics powered by